Dedicated IP Address
See why you will need a Dedicated IP Address for your website. Read more about Dedicated IPs as a whole.
If you host a site on a server, it works by using the server's shared IP - a unique number that is used to identify a device connected to the Net. The website name that you use for the site is for quick access and convenience of the visitors, but on a more basic level, their web browser connects to the IP address of the server. Since there are a lot more websites than IP addresses, shared hosting servers use the same IP for multiple websites even if they belong to different users. While this doesn't affect your website performance directly, using a dedicated IP may slightly boost the loading speed of a particular website, granting it higher positions in search engine results. Such an IP is necessary for the installation of an SSL certificate as well, so if you would like to protect the payment or login information that your website visitors type in, you need an IP together with the SSL.
Dedicated IP Address in Website Hosting
With a
website hosting account on our cloud platform, you will be able to obtain a dedicated IP address and assign it to any domain or subdomain with a few clicks no matter where your account is - in the USA, Britain or Australia. This can be done through the Hosted Domains part of our intuitive and user-friendly Hepsia Control Panel where you may also keep track of what IPs are available, what are in use and what websites they're allotted to. When you want to use an SSL certificate so as to protect the information of your website visitors and you obtain it through our company, our system can assign a dedicated IP and install the SSL for you, so you will not need to do anything manually on your end. In the meantime, you may still have a site in a subdomain as an addition to the main one under a shared IP - a community forum where users can share thoughts and opinions about your services, for example.
Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you get a
semi-dedicated server account through our company, you'll get the option to get as many dedicated IPs as you would like depending on your business needs. It takes just a few clicks inside the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel to get your new IP and a few more so as to assign it to a domain or a subdomain. The entire process is really easy and your website will start opening from the new IP address in no time. Hepsia will allow you to see all the IPs that you are able to use, both shared and dedicated, and which of the latter are free or taken. If you'd like to use an SSL certificate on some of your sites and you want a dedicated IP for it, you can take full advantage of our SSL order wizard, that can assign a new IP and set up the certificate once you send your order, so you won't need to adjust anything in your semi-dedicated website hosting account manually.