Monthly Traffic
Find out what web hosting providers mean when they say ‘monthly traffic quotas’.
The monthly site traffic characteristic is usually referred to as info transfer or bandwidth as well, but all of the abovementioned terms apply to the same thing - what amount of information can be transferred to and from your website hosting account. The traffic can be generated in two ways, the more noticeable one being site visits. If someone visits your website, their web browser requests and downloads the web pages from the website hosting server then shows them on their end. The more site visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your website hosting account. As this particular characteristic includes the overall website traffic, not only the website visits, you shouldn't forget that incoming traffic is counted as well. This means web site content and other files that you upload to your account with a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards the account quota. The transfer is generally monitored on a monthly basis and the counter resets on the first day of each and every month irrespective of your actual signup date.
Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting
website hosting were created with the notion to take care of the traffic produced by any kind of site that can run in such an account. In case you currently have one or a couple of small or medium-sized web sites, you won't be limited by the monthly website traffic allowance whatever the content you have - plain text and / or lots of images, for instance. The stats in your hosting Control Panel will give you comprehensive information about the site traffic produced by each site and the total amount for the account as a whole. The amounts are updated in real time and indicate both the daily and the monthly usage, so that you will be aware of how much info is transferred to and from the website hosting account anytime. The first day of each and every month your counter is reset, but you'll still be able to see the website traffic stats for the previous months, that will give you an idea how your web sites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our
semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful so you can run multiple web sites in a single account. The monthly traffic characteristic suits that power, thus what you'll get is a hosting account with truly unrestricted information transfer. As a result, your web sites can grow as much as it is possible with this type of hosting and you can get as many site visitors as you wish. For enhanced web site and account management, you're given the option to see see what amount of traffic each of your sites produces, yet we won't ever set a limit. For your benefit, you can see monthly, daily and hourly numbers along with the individual web pages that are visited most often, or the most downloaded files. With our semi-dedicated hosting packages, you will never worry about hitting any kind of traffic cap so you are able to focus on enhancing your websites and receiving more visitors.